What does Student Council actually do?

Wednesday 09-10-2024 - 14:03
Council instagram post

By now, you know that we’re electing our Student Council in the October by-elections! If you didn’t know… where have you been?! Read all about our by-elections. 

But what does Student Council actually do?

Student Council purpose

Their main goal is to represent the voice of students to CSU. They gather feedback from the demographic or community they are elected to represent, and make sure its heard in meetings. They can also bring their ideas for what they think needs to happen at UoC to improve student experience.

There are quarterly Student Council meetings, where Council Officers bring this feedback to our attention as well as:

  • Setting and supporting student-facing priorities for CSU
  • Scrutinising and supporting the full-time Officers in achieving the change set out in their manifestos
  • Establishing policy that enables the student voice to be clearly heard, including voting on Big Ideas and working on campaigns

Student Council roles

There are 10 roles up for grabs in the by-elections this year, to go alongside our 5 Student Council Officers already in position. These 10 remaining seats are: 

- Asian, Arab & Ethnic Minority Students’ Officer
- Commuting Students’ Officer
- Black Students’ Officer
- International Students’ Officer
- UC Birkenhead Students’ Officer
- UC Warrington Students’ Officer
- UC Shrewsbury Students’ Officer
- Mature & Parent Students’ Officer
- Environment & Ethics Officer
- Disabled Students’ Officer

Not only do these Officers represent the demographic or community, they also provide a perspective from that community when we discuss campaigns, Big Ideas submissions or changes. 

What’s in it for you?

Despite being a voluntary role, there are plenty of ways you’ll be rewarded, from access to training to enhance your professional skills, to a free Student Leader Conference where you’ll get a chance to attend talks, workshops and the Student Leader Summit. 

As a volunteer, you’ll also be eligible for the University’s Chester Difference Award and Volunteering Awards. You could even win one of our (very awesome and cool) 1839 Awards - we have a Student Council Officer of the year prize! 

Any questions, drop us an email on csuelections@chester.ac.uk, and you can attend a workshop event to get prepped for campaigning.


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