Student Leader Elections Results

The team at CSU are so excited to announce the results of our 2025 CSU Student Leader Elections.

With 15 candidates running for CSU President, VP Education, and VP Student Life, and 11 candidates for Student Council roles, the student community cast a total of 15,340 votes from 2,218 voters. Thank you to everyone who voted and actively engaged in the shaping of your Students’ Union.

Introducing your Elected Officer team for 2025/2026

CSU President: Lillian Watson

VP Education: Adedayo Adebisi

VP Student Life: Will Gaines


Student Council Officers 

Transgender & Gender Diverse Students' Officer: Jason Ellis-Platts
BAAME Students' Officer: Mahima Fiza Khan
Open Seat: Lili Berry
LGBTQ+ Students' Officer: Liv McSharry
International Students' Officer: Faseeh Ur Rehman
Mature & Caregiver Students' Officer: Cath Challoner
Open Seat: Alicia Ndlovu
Disabled & Neurodivergent Students' Officer: Bronwyn O'Neill
Open Seat: Lucy Jones


Results Breakdown